Smart Hospital

Wirefree smart devices for the medical world

Locate – Monitor – Manage

The Simply Unified Smart Hospital Solution is an entirely wireless solution connecting hundreds of sensors delivering a holistic view of the day to day activity.

Data from our sensors is collected in near-real-time or regular intervals where required.

The Simply Unified platform processes the data to provide easy-to-understand visualisation. Including detailed floor plans for internal locations and Google Maps with GPS information for externally based devices.

Both views provide an audiovisual alert which details where a response is required. Actions can include staff duress from fixed and wearable devices or where bathrooms require cleaning and waste bins that require emptying.

A happy cargo truck driver.

Find Out More About How Simply Unified’s Smart Hospital Solution Can Help.

We’re Here to Help

Simply Sensors is a modular wire-free IoT system capable of connecting to thousands of devices. Simply Sensors have a range of LoRaWAN Gateways with indoor coverage of over 300 meters and several Kilometres’ outdoor coverage. Gateways and repeaters can be added to deliver virtually unlimited wireless network – even underground.

LoRaWAN Gateways start from just a few hundred dollars. Install our Gateways in minutes without any technical knowledge. Gateways come in several formats: Ethernet, Wi-Fi and 4G with a low-cost satellite option planned soon.